
Showing posts from March, 2020


ARTS In arts we've learnt about characters, movements, voice, and acting on PP. we took about a month to finish this work, the props were weapons (a pistol, and 4 riffles), a plate, some fried food, a picnic carpet, a car made out of cardboard, a prison. The instruments we used were some Gamelan, a base, a guitar, drums, and a lot of angklung. We had to memorize every word from the script made by Yuda and a little fix from the teachers. PP helps the students confidence and teaching the lower grades what we've learnt. The skills I used while during this project was : Communication skills I used this skill when talking to others on the stage. The habits I've showed during this project was : Thinking skill I used this habit whenever I talk during PP.


PKN Pada mata pelajaran PKN saya belajar tentang kemandirian dan kerja sama. Saya dan teman-teman memberikan games 7 habits pada anak-anak SD Punten 02. Setelah itu saya dan teman-teman saya melakukan bakti sosial dengan membagikan sembako kepada orang yang membutuhkan. Keterampilan yang saya tunjukan adalah : Sosial berhubungan dengan orang di sana. Kebiasaan yang saya tunjukan adalah : Berpikir menang- menang adik-adiknya selakan puzzlenya dapet minuman dan makanan. Kesulitannya adalah jauh sekolahnya dari rumah live-in

Malang Adventure

Humanities In humanities we learnt about how people live in Malang, by stayin in Malang for a week. Me and my friends learnt how to cook some spinach, Ginger, and tried to make some juice. Me and my friends made an idea of making a product, my group's idea was to make some clothes for the athletes. Skills that I used to finish this work were : Social skills  To use this skill I just ask people where I should go, where are we going, what time, etc Habits I've showed : Be proactive  I've try to be confident on these types of events, because in pilar there won't be events like these for about 3 months and in my old school it would only take a week for an event to start.